Audi Key Replacement

audi car key replacement
audi car key replacement

Lost Your Audi Keys?

Audi is evidently one of the most outstanding brands in the global car market. Despite their matchless visual design and excellent performance, these metallic machines have simple maintenance techniques. Today we shall take a look at one of the simplest components that lead to the operation of these impressive cars; the Audi keys.

The Basics on Audi keys

These keys are simply comprised of two segments; the key blade and the handle. The handle includes a special chip which makes each individual vehicle to identify its own unique key. These chips act like the finger prints of the vehicle. The vehicle doubtlessly has one of the world’s best car lock systems. This high security assurance measure has played a key role in reducing car theft.

However, it is also disadvantageous when one loses a key or accidentally locks it inside the vehicle. Unfortunately, many are somehow ignorant of the fact that such a situation may occur, and turn to unsuitable measures to solve the problem.

Luckily, this article has been carefully written to help solve this problem, giving simple and workable steps to take in such cases. We recommend that you study the entire article and not only the desired segments which solve the situation that you are in. The rest might still be really helpful for future reference.

 Lost Audi Keys Completely and I Have no Spare

It is a fact that one can’t keep on manually reconnecting and disconnecting ignition wires of their cars. It is not advisable to mess up with the electrical connections of your vehicle. You might end up causing more trouble. Instead, the most advisable thing to do is to contact your nearest locksmith provider. Most of them do not tow your vehicle to their garage, but just come with the necessary equipment to your location. Replacement takes some time since both the blade and the handle need to be created. Some even give you an extra spare at an affordable fee. You do not have to purchase another vehicle.

I Have Lost My Audi Keys but I Have a Spare

Every driver wants to cut on maintenance costs. But always remember! You lost your first keys so there is a high possibility that you can also lose the spare. It is cheaper to duplicate than to create from scratch. In such a situation, it is advised that you simply scarify some affordable amount of money and pay the dealer who will do an excellent job. However, make sure that the dealer is an authentic locksmith dealer, who is specialized in replacing Audi Keys.

I Accidentally Broke Audi Keys

Whether accidental or intentional, the same principal applies. It is not advisable to use superglue or cello tape to rejoin the segments. This worsens the situation since some contents may remain in the lock while you are trying to open it. An Audi Key replacement comes at an affordable price. Simply pay the charges and enjoy the comfort of starting your vehicle in peace.

I Locked My Keys inside the Car

For tinted vehicles, it may be difficult to specifically locate where the keys are. In fact, it is more frustrating when using transparent windows since the situation makes you to appear more helpless; observing your keys but not being able to pick them. Many turn to breaking windows or picking door locks. Though, this can incur more expenses since you simply cause more damage. The best thing to do is to contact the dealer. They understand the locks better, and can effortlessly gain access on your behalf. Afterwards, ensure that you get a spare which next time will make the solution simpler.


Whether it is the lock or the key that is damaged, we recommend that you deal with a professional Audi Key dealer. Otherwise, we hope that the article has played a major role in solving the situation.

In case you are wondering how to find the best Audi locksmith dealers in your area, simply use our Google customized search.