Lexus Key Replacement

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lexus key

Lexus Key Replacement Made Easy

Loosing a car key is a very frustrating event. It is unforeseen and can cause a lot of panic . However, if you own a Lexus, here are some solutions to your lost car key problem.

Replacing Your Lexus Keys

Once you discover that your keys have gone missing, the immediate reaction is usually to contact the Lexus dealers or the Lexus auto retailers. Over time, this has proven not to be a good solution because the process of recovering or replacing lost keys via the dealers is tedious. The alternative method is to use a well known locksmith in your area, specialized in Lexus auto motives. Dealers will take a long period of time before they can give you another key. In addition to that, they can charge an unnecessary high amount compared to a local locksmith who replaces your key at half the price.

The local locksmith services always have technicians in the area so there is no chance of their unavailability. They are reliable. Lock repairs can also be done here.

If unsure of locating a trustworthy Lexus locksmith, you can always use the search engines of an automobile website. You will be able to find one in a click!

Can the Lexus Dealers Help?

If unable to find a local locksmith, you can call the Lexus Company and they will give you two options:

  • A lost key program where you will pay for two master keys and reprogramming. You do not have to worry about the cost of the first replacement of the keys’ ECU as the Lexus Company will cater for that. A key will cost you approximately $200 and if it is not your first time losing your key, the ECU will cost an average of $1000
  • The dealer can tow your car to the local Lexus suppliers, that is, if they have the equipment needed. You will be asked to pay about $250 for replacement of the master key and labor to reprogram the key to your car. The dealers will need to know your VIN and other information that can verify you as the owner of the car. The dealer then uses a device that he attaches to your car’s ECU to get the security code that they need to shut down the immobilizer .They can then manually program your new master key.

What if Your Keys are Locked in Your Car?

If you are a driver who is locked out of your own car, you might be interested in ensuring you have a wallet key, usually green in color. It is what most drivers use to unlock the car when the master key or the valet key is locked inside. If you do not have one, contact a local dealer who will tow your car to a convenient location in your area where a keyless entry will be performed and the keys will be recovered. You do not have to incur hefty garage costs.

Stolen key?

For this problem, the immediate solution is to use a local locksmith service. Whatever time of the day your key is stolen, there is always a remedy. 24-hour locksmith companies exist just for you. They will be able to replace your key and to program it in your local area. You will then have an extra set of spare keys. You will be able to gain entry into your car in a short while. The advantage of a local locksmith is that you will not have to incur the hefty towing charges.

If having trouble finding a locksmith in your area, the Google customized search here is here especially to help you locate one of your choice. You will be able to get your keys replaced in an instant.