Volkswagen Key Replacement

Volkswagen key
Volkswagen key

Get your Volkswagen Keys Replaced Fast

Volkswagen keys are too essential to be lost. They have a sophisticated remote fob and an anti-theft alert built in. Volkswagen keys are thoughtfully designed to have a programmed chip inside, which is essential for a Volkswagen car to start. If the programming isn’t done well or if the keys are lost, then it’s almost impossible to start the car.

When you have such an amazing car but you lost the keys that would be the most frustrating thing for sure. However, there are few ideas which can help you get out of this situation quickly.

Volkswagen Key replacement:

You can always call up the Volkswagen customer care team asking them to replace the keys with a new key. They would do that with a new key which is programmed especially for your car. This way the lost Volkswagen keys can be replaced easily. The downside? Going to a Dealership can be quite expensive.

Always make sure you check at amazon first, add your vehicle and search for a key or fob. 

Why programming?

Well, Volkswagen key comes with a glass chip inside which has a coded program written exclusively for each car. When a Volkswagen key replacement is needed, this programming needs to be replicated in the new key as well, so that it becomes compatible with the car.

How Volkswagen keys are replaced by Locksmiths

There are few simple steps. Technicians use a smart decoder to read the program that is written in the old key. Once read, they cut a new key to fit your Volkswagen car. After the key is ready with the right size, they write the same program again and keep that chip on the new key.

What if I locked Volkswagen keys in the car?

Well, there are two ways of handling this. Either you can use the spare keys and unlock the car to get access to the keys hanging inside the car. Alternatively, you can call up the Volkswagen key replacement team so that they can immediately come and open your car.

Alternatives if you cannot find Volkswagen Keys:

Now that we all know there is nothing called free lunch in the world, we must also know that the Volkswagen key can cost you as much as $260.00! If you want to look for an alternative when you realize that your keys are lost in the car, here are few alternatives.

Use a rod tool to unlock the car door, so that you can get access to your Volkswagen keys inside the car. To ensure there is no damage on the door, you might also want to check on using airbag or door edge tool. These will help in reducing or no damage on the surface painting of the door. This is to make sure that you are saving a good deal on the key price, but NOT paying a bomb to get the painting damage covered.

Using a plastic strip to unlock the car to get the keys stuck inside: As an alternative you can use the plastic strip too to get access to hit the unlock button in your car. In order to do this, your car should have the lock on top of the door. If you have this, you can insert a plastic strip into the car and unlock the vehicle.

Most economic alternatives:

Yes, considering the fact that it is next to impossible to pay such a huge price for a Volkswagen replacement key, here are few ideas.

Get a straight key for Volkswagen car:

It’s as simple as that. If the primary motive of owning a car is to drive safe, then the straight key is the best alternative. A straight key is a simple key without any remote or programming in it. This would cost somewhere close to $60 and it should be ok to get a beast like Volkswagen moving. A locksmith can make it for you.

Another alternative is to go for OEM keys (Other Equipment Manufacturers) who are not authentic dealers of Volkswagen. However, this way you will lose a bunch of benefits like the programmed chip and the anti-theft mechanism that is fitted in your original Volkswagen.